Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I missed last week. School started last week and I’m getting used to a new schedule. Leann just won Project Runway. I agree with the judges this year. Her designs were new and innovative. I am interested to see where she goes with this. I was also pleasantly surprised that she used sustainable fabrics. This is something I have been very interested in. I have been doing research for my own designs. I will give you more information on where to find these fabric’s in the near future.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

This is not the original blog for this week. I have tried to stay away from the economic problems. I will try to keep this light. Please remember on Election Day this is not an isolated problem it is global; every one is affected – several of the Euro Banks have also failed. I encourage everyone to look at the records of each presidential and vice presidential candidate – don’t vote because he’s black or she’s a woman. Their past is a clue to their future. Don’t be swayed by journalists that have their own agenda. Sorry no more ranting. So you are paying higher taxes, your gas bill is as high as a car payment and you can not afford to go shopping, NO PROBLEM. Check out the very back of your closet. What about those great clothes in storage sure they are out of style but there is a reason you kept them? You should even check out the local Goodwill or Salvation Army! Now, you have these great out of date garments what do you do now? Use them! It can be as easy has changing the belt, adding a sash, or raising the hem. Have them altered; many can be updated to look new. Need ideas? Contact me; e-mail pictures of yourself in the garment I will happily give you ideas of what you can do to update the garment. Can’t do it yourself – paying for alterations is normally less expensive than buying new clothes. You can find examples of my work:, I’m also on Face Book. Don’t be scared and worried all the time about the world situations. Make it a little brighter – add color.